Define standard purchase price, sale price and standard cost (standard cost, maintain cost, transfer cost)
Define price list, promotion specific for each customer and able to discount each item or group for each customer group with time condition.
Able to set many goods discount level with money and percent (%) of each item in same invoice.
Able to define standard price and cost of whole goods, some group or each goods.
Able to define price by credit time period according to defined date of any goods.
Able to specific price list and promotion for each customer and able to give discount for each item or goods group to each customer or customer group.
Able to define Golden Time period for support product promotion.
Able to define condition of price list and promotion.
Able to define priority of editing price list and promotion could be edited or not.
Able to view detail of product list with screen play to help considering product for next period correctly.
Able to view system report such as standard price and cost defined, price list & promotion defined and price defined by credit term.
Able to categorize goods type such as product type, asset type or raw material type.
Able to categorize goods type such as service type or stock type.
Able to record many type of goods such as general goods, LOT type goods, LOT and serial include expire goods.
Warning alert when reference expired goods.
Able to use 4 type of cost calculation, there are moving average type, FIFO type, standard cost type and specific lot type.
Able to set decimal notation form 0-4 digit.
Able to specific expire date and alert option when almost expire for easy management.
Able to automatic specific warehouse with able to define whole goods, group or each product.
Able to define purchase plan with option to warning alert when there are must purchase goods.
Able to define minimum and maximum stock balance and appropriate purchase amount.
Able to record issue requisition and issue requisition approval.
Able to record transfer requisition and approve transfer in and out with automatic transfer in.
Able to record any inquisition such as use issue requisition, production issue requisition, example issue requisition, borrow and other issue requisition.
Able to record return issue from any requisition.
Able to planning goods receive for future receiving.
Able to record finished goods returned such as not quality goods.
Able to record cost increase of transfer and increase cost of receive finished goods in same screen.
Able to record goods counting audit with separate counting auditor and counting person.
Able to adjust sale price that has been sale from sale price adjust screen.
Automatic adjusts goods with option increase, decrease or without affect stock.
Calculation menu of packing and not packing goods for estimate goods amount after packing and able to packing packed goods.
Cost calculation menu and batch post IC menu, batch post IC of credit sale and cash sale.